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Finding Enough Insurance Coverage

When it comes to making sure that your home and family are safe and sound, few things are as important as choosing the right insurance plan. About six months ago, my home burned to the ground, and without the right insurance plan, we would have been toast financially. Fortunately, because we had prepared properly, we didn't have any problems when it came to making sure that we could rebuild our place. This website is here to help anyone who might be struggling with which insurance policy to choose. Check out this blog for great information on finding the perfect policy.


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Finding Enough Insurance Coverage

Commercial Truck Insurance: Appealing A Denied Claim

by Jason Prescott

If you're a commercial trucker, paying your monthly insurance premium can be one of your biggest overhead expenses. So, when a commercial trucking insurer denies your claim, the sting can be tough to deal with. 

Here are some steps you can take to appeal a denied commercial trucking insurance claim.

Understand and Respond

The first step to building your appeal is figuring out why you were denied. Once you understand the reason for the denial, you begin building your appeal.

  • Highlight: to make sure you fully understand the reasons why your claim was denied, try to highlight the grounds for your denial. For instance, is your commercial trucking insurer denying you because your damages weren't covered, or are you being denied because you don't have sufficient evidence? If you find errors or mistakes in the letter, these can be the focus of your appeal.
  • Document: to fight the facts cited by the commercial trucking insurer, you will need facts of your own. This evidence should include all relevant documents such as repair bills, receipts, and police reports.

Writing and Submitting

Appealing a commercial trucking insurance claim denial will require writing and submitting a letter.

  • Writing: even if you feel cheated and angry, it's important to begin your appeal letter by explaining that you are appealing the denied claim and why you believe the decision was incorrect. Be specific and provide evidence to support your argument. No matter how strongly you feel about the denial, attempt to strike a calm and reasonable tone.
  • Submitting: when submitting your letter of appeal and any supporting documentation to your insurance company, be sure to follow specific procedures for submitting an appeal.  This will ensure that your denial letter will be processed. You can also have the letter sent by certified mail to guarantee that your commercial trucking insurer receives your letter.

Waiting and Fighting

Waiting for your commercial trucking insurer to respond to your appeal can feel like an eternal struggle. It's important though to remember that appealing a denied commercial trucking insurance claim can be a complex process, and it may take some time to resolve. However, even if you're denied, you can keep fighting.

  • Legal Help: if your appeal is denied, you may want to consider hiring an attorney to help you pursue further legal action. An attorney can help you understand your rights and options and can represent you in court if necessary.

Reach out to a commercial truck insurance agent to learn more.
